Special categories of personal data

Special categories of personal data was previously called sensitive data.

This is personal data related to

  • race or ethnic origin
  • political opinion
  • religion
  • philosophical conviction
  • trade union membership
  • genetic and biometric data
  • health
  • sexual relationships or sexual orientation

Lånekassen is permitted to process this type of personal data if it is required for proper case processing. The data is processed confidentially. This means that the data may not be disclosed to others. It may be disclosed for use in research or for statistical purposes, but in this case it will not be possible to link this to you as an individual.

Information on special categories of personal data will not be sent to you electronically, but by post. Nor must you submit such personal data to Lånekassen electronically. The security level of Lånekassen’s self-service solution is good, but at present we have a security level that doesn’t allow for the exchange of special categories of personal data.

Applications and attachments that contain such personal data must be sent to
P. O. Box 450 Alnabru
0614 Oslo

Do not submit more documentation than we request.

Personal data on criminal offences

Information that you have been suspected of, prosecuted or sentenced for criminal offences can be processed by public authorities. Lånekassen processes such information if you apply for exemption of interest due to serving time in prison.